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Image: Sebastian,

Call for requests, inputs and suggestions on short-term priorities and longer term strategic needs for the future work programme of IPBES

The Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) call for requests, inputs and suggestions.

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In accordance with decision IPBES-6/2, the Panel and the Bureau invite:
a) IPBES members, observers that are allowed enhanced participation in accordance with decision IPBES-5/4, and multilateral environmental agreements related to biodiversity and ecosystem services as determined by the respective governing bodies of those agreements, to submit requests;
b) United Nations bodies related to biodiversity and ecosystem services and relevant stakeholders, such as other intergovernmental organizations, international and regional scientific organizations, environment-related trust funds, non-governmental organizations, indigenous peoples and local communities and the private sector to submit inputs and suggestions;
c) Experts on, and holders of, indigenous and local knowledge to provide inputs and suggestions through the participatory mechanism of IPBES. Requests, inputs and suggestions should be submitted, using the template for submission, to the secretariat at by 30 September 2018.


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