The scientific competence aims at supporting the research of biodiversity. It facilitates the co-operation of scientists and policy-makers in the administration department, in politics, economy and society.more

Image: LaMantarraya, stock.adobe.commore

Recognizing the Value of Universities of Applied Sciences for Environmental and Sustainability Research in Switzerland

Gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse sind auf praxisnahe Forschung angewiesen. Fachhochschulen sind dafür ideal positioniert, werden in der Schweiz aber dahingehend kaum unterstützt.

GAIA 2-17

Pages: 152-154

GAIA 2-17
GAIA 2-17



Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology (saguf)
c/o Dialog N
Riedtlistrasse 9
8006 Zürich
