The scientific competence aims at supporting the research of biodiversity. It facilitates the co-operation of scientists and policy-makers in the administration department, in politics, economy and society.more

Image: LaMantarraya, stock.adobe.commore

Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubündens in Chur (NGG)

Logo von Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubündens in Chur
The Society of Natural Sciences of the canton Grisons (Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubünden (NGG)) is an association committed to the promotion and dissemination of knowledge in the natural sciences, as well as, to the support of natural sciences research in the Grisons and the surrounding alpine regions.
The annual program of NGG includes lectures, excursions, congresses and other events. The topics of the lectures are addressed at members and at the interested public. The NGG regularly publishes annual reports on topics in the natural sciences concerning the region. Within the NGG, there are specialized working groups, such as the group of ornithological work of Grisons (Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe Graubünden (OAG)) among others. Through its research and its workshops, the OAG aims at sharing both its knowledge and its enthusiasm for the world of birds. In collaboration with the highschools of Chur, Schiers and Disentis, the NGG awards a promotion prize to a high-quality Matura thesis in the field of natural sciences.

Year founded: 1825
Number of members: 426 (2016)
Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubündens in Chur (NGG) is a member of SCNAT, Platform Science and Regions (Platform NWR)


Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubündens in Chur (NGG)
c/o Bündner Naturmuseum
Masanserstrasse 31
7000 Chur