The scientific competence aims at supporting the research of biodiversity. It facilitates the co-operation of scientists and policy-makers in the administration department, in politics, economy and society.more

Image: LaMantarraya, stock.adobe.commore

Two decades of transdisciplinarity in Switzerland: Past, present, future

Switzerland has been a stronghold of transdisciplinarity in the past decades, thanks in particular to saguf and td-net. td-net’s 20 years anniversary is an opportunity to recall the past and look ahead.

GAIA 32/4 (2023)
Image: saguf

Authors: Theres Paulsen, Prof. Dr Christoph Küffer
Edition / Volume: GAIA 32/4
Pages: 391-393
Standard identifier: ISSN print 0940-5550, online 2625-5413



Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology (saguf)
c/o Dialog N
Riedtlistrasse 9
8006 Zürich
